MUIC Sustainability

3Rs Artwork – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Welcome to our last activity for this term! 

In this activity, we plan on raising awareness and educating participants on the importance of “recycling, reusing, and reducing”. Also, how they can apply it in their everyday lives. 

This activity would require participants to make an artwork communicating and demonstrating the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle.
It can be digital or on paper and post it on their social media and tag muic.nature lovers club and two other friends. 
Then take a screenshot of their Instagram story and submit it on the google form 

The participants must also describe what was their inspiration behind the artwork and what is your artwork about (will be used in deciding the winner too) 

The most likes from the ones we will post on our IG account, wins the popularity category! 

All participants receive 2 hours of environmental literacy 

Period: 15 – 30 November