MUIC Sustainability

Happy Green Day: Easy Vegetable Gardening and Eco-Friendly Products

On June 2, 2023, the Energy Saving Committee of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) held “Happy Green Day” in observance of World Environment Day. The event was designed to raise awareness of environmental issues among students, faculty, and staff members, and to promote sustainable living.

The event featured two main activities:

  • Happy Green Thumb: Participants learned how to grow vegetables for eating in their own homes, with easy steps for beginners. The workshop covered topics such as choosing the right plants for your climate, preparing the soil, planting and watering, and harvesting.
  • Happy Green Market: The market featured stalls selling products with eco-friendly packaging.

By teaching participants how to grow their own food and consume more sustainable products, “Happy Green Day” helps to promote sustainable living practices that can help to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, which is align with SDG 12 – Life on Land.