MUIC Sustainability

Nature Lovers Club Collects Non-recyclable Waste

The Nature Lovers Club of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) held a drive to collect non-recyclable waste on November 7-11, 2022.

Entitled “Orphan Waste – Give Us What Can’t Be Recycled,” it was the last activity organized by the club for Term 1 of Academic Year 2022 – 2023.

The drive involves encouraging MUIC students to bring to the club’s booth beside the 7-Eleven outlet in Aditayathorn Building their so-called “orphan waste” or non-recyclable waste such as CDs, toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, pens, old clothing, and others.

The collected orphan waste was then brought to N15 Technology which is a company that will use the waste as an alternative source of energy instead of using fossil fuel.

This activity gave an opportunity for participants to help reduce greenhouse gas emission by using alternative sources of energy and initiate awareness of waste management.