MUIC Sustainability

Campaign to Reduce Meat Consumption

It’s Green Monday!” was an activity organized by Nature Lovers Club from October 18 to November 8, 2021 in order to communicate the importance of reducing meat consumption to improve our health and reduce global warming and climate change. This activity was inspired by, and an extension of, the global campaign, “Meat free Monday or Meatless Monday.

The 58 participants had to cook their own meat-free meal, take a picture and post the image on Instagram and tag two of their friends and the club’s Instagram account as well. The winners were selected based on the images they had submitted and their corresponding description.

The winners and their prizes are the following:
1st Place: Sophie Moore (International Business) 1000 Baht

2nd Place: Phimthitiphan Sarapimpa (International Hospitality Management) 700 Baht
3rd Place: Praewa Asavarangsi (Finance) 500 Baht