MUIC Sustainability

Diwali Celebration: Appreciating Different Cultures

The International Student Committee (ISC) and the Student Association (SMO) at Mahidol University International College (MUIC) joined forces to celebrate the vibrant spirit of Diwali. The illuminated event, held on November 8-9, 2023, brought together over 350 participants from diverse backgrounds at the Ground Floor, Aditayathorn Building.

Activities during the celebration included diya-making, a rangoli workshop, free laddu desserts, henna painting, and a trivia challenge. Indian singing and dancing performances showcased the rich culture of India, emphasizing the traditions of Diwali. Most notably, Indian students at MUIC actively participated, passionately sharing their culture with fellow students and faculty members.

This Diwali celebration fostered a sense of unity and understanding among the diverse community, transcending cultural boundaries. The event provided an educational experience, showcasing the cultural richness of India, contributing to a more inclusive and quality education – SDG 4: Quality Education.

Moreover, the celebration brought together a diverse community, promoting inclusivity and breaking down barriers by appreciating and sharing different cultures. This aspect aligns with SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.