Accreditation is quite important to an international college like MUIC. Firstly, getting accredited is a stamp of quality assurance. It is a guarantee that MUIC’s quality of education is at par with its peers globally. Secondly, accredited universities have the opportunity to engage in a dialogue and conduct collaboration with each other that could only result in institutional improvements.
In 2019, the Business Administration Division received accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

In 2019, Finance Program was accepted into the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute University Affiliation Program, giving MUIC the distinction of being the 4th institution of higher learning in Thailand to be affiliated with the CFA Institute at the undergraduate degree program level.

The Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics (PC) received the NEAS Quality Endorsement in 2019, becoming the first language center in Thailand to achieve this international recognition.