When related to the field of employment, non-discrimination and equal opportunity are rooted in the principle that all decisions made at the workplace are based on the ability of the individual to do the job in question without regard to personal characteristics that are unrelated to the inherent requirements of the work. However, it is not enough to simply remove discriminatory practices in order to achieve freedom from discrimination. The International Labour Organization states that “it is also necessary to promote equality of opportunity and treatment in the workplace at all stages of the employment relationship”.
Links to SDGs and targets:
Discrimination and harassment: The SDGs include specific goals on gender equality (SDG 5) and reduced inequalities (SDG 10).
MUIC contributes to the mentioned goals by e.g. creating recruitment processes that look past gender and disabilities, addressing issues of discrimination and harassment in workplace, conducting trainings for senior and middle management to promote an understanding of “equalities”. MUIC has adopted the discriminatory laws and policies to create a safe and secure working environment.
In relation to discrimination and harassment it is important to remember the overall intention of the 2030 Agenda to ‘leave no one behind’ and the need for disaggregated data so that discrimination and inequalities can be properly monitored and addressed.
- Gender Equality Act, B.E. 2558(Thai | English)
- Rule of the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC) regarding the Act of Sexual Harassment, B.E. 2553
- Guidelines to prevent and resolve sexual harassment in the workplace and promoting equality and eliminating unfair gender discrimination for Mahidol University International College employees 2019 (in Thai)
MUIC organized a talk: It’s okay to not be okay (about sexual harassment)
Mahidol University International College (MUIC) held a Zoom online seminar on sexual harassment entitled “It’s Okay Not To Be Okay” on January 29, 2021.
Organized by MUIC’s Student Association, the online event featured the following speakers: Ms. Chawisa Chartsuwan, Mental Health Counselor; Pol. Lt. Col. Nopparat Boontanom, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent of Information Center Sub-Division, Patrol and Special Operation Division (191), Metropolitan Police Bureau; and Asst. Prof. Dr. Chayanant Hongfa, Associate Dean for Student Affairs of MUIC.
Aimed at raising student awareness of sexual harassment, the online event had 205 participants.