MUIC Sustainability

Diversity and Inclusion: Gender Talk at Embassy of Sweden

MUIC students attended an event entitled, “A Swedish Take on Diversity and Inclusion” on June 29, 2023. Align with SDG Goal 5 and 10 in terms of reducing inequalities, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and...

A Day in Bang Krachao

Mahidol University International College’s (MUIC) Nature Lovers Club organized “A Day in Bang Krachao,” a one-day trip to the place considered as “Bangkok’s Green Lung” on February 12, 2023. Fourteen students...

Enhancing Elderly Well-being: MUIC’s Innovative Design Competition

"Service Solution Design Competition" devises solutions that could enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of elderly patients.

Outstanding in safety, occupational health, and working environment

MUIC has promoted healthy and safe working environment through many safety and wellness campaigns that have been run throughout the years. The college has received Safety Academy and Good Wellness Award for...

Knowledge Commons Events Held: LGBTQIA+ and Mental Health: Spiritual and Psychological Perspectives in Contemporary Thailand

Speakers: – Professor Dr. Peter A. Jackson, Emeritus, College of Asia and the Pacific’s School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University (Topic: Book Launch: “Deities and Divas:...

MUIC-THM to Offer Health and Wellness Management Course

Mahidol University International College’s (MUIC) Travel and Service Business Entrepreneurship Program recently developed and introduced a new course related to health and wellness management. In a...

MUIC Student Association Organizes “IC Pride Month”

Mahidol University International College’s (MUIC) Student Association organized an event called “IC Pride Month” to give recognition to the LGBT+ community. There were 104 participants who attended the...

Waste Receptacle Evolution at MUIC

Research on the topic of student involvement in developing sustainable practices: a case study of waste receptacle evolution at Mahidol University International College Proper waste management  is a key step...

MUIC Stops Giving Single-use Plastic Bags

Whether you live in an urban megacity or rural farmland, you surely see plastic bags blowing around anytime you leave the house. Some blow across roads like post-apocalyptic tumbleweed, while others become...

MUIC is committed to meeting the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via our three broad areas: research, outreach and stewardship. We are working closely with Mahidol University and collaborating with private sector, civil society and community organizations to ensure sustainable development that benefit humankind.

Sustainability Agenda



Conference and Meeting