MBA 学习计划

MBA 学习计划

分为两大方向的 MBA 课程,满足业界动态需求,培养商海弄潮儿

学习计划 A(毕业论文导向)适合研究兴趣浓厚、致力于学术的学生。通过学习,学生将具备敏锐的识别力,善于找出已有文献中的研究空白,然后运用高效的研究方法开发出有助于业务决策的商业模式,制定完备的业务策略/解决方案。作为学术成果,毕业时学生必须发表期刊文章。

学习计划 A(2) 的结构见下文。




24 学分


6 学分


15 学分

学习计划 B(专题论文导向)可以让学生在“全球战略”和“商业创新”两大 MBA 专业框架下定制选修课程,在新兴领域建立深厚的专业知识。学生将通过行业实践项目积累现实经验,同时根据个人目标和兴趣进行独立学习。

学习计划 B 的结构见下文。




24 学分


15 学分


6 学分

MBA 课程单元和内容


第 1 学期:预科课程

我校 MBA 课程招收各领域学生,但学生必须先完成无学分预科课程。预科课程旨在为学生打好学术基础,做好充分准备,顺利过渡到专业课程,同时在预科阶段利用充裕时间适应学习和生活。

Reading comprehension skills, effective writing in the context of business managers, speaking and presentation skills

Review of statistical concepts and methods, probability and distributions, sampling and estimations, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, elements of regression analysis, analysis and interpretation of real-world information using computer software

Data analysis and creation of business applications using logical functions; accounting and financial functions; data models; data analysis and data visualization; form controls; visual basic for applications (VBA) in Excel


第 1 学期 – 第 2 学期:核心单元


Basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems; recognizing and recording accounting transactions, preparation and interpretation of financial statements; key cost concepts, cost behavior and forecasting, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, budgetary control, strategic and tactical decision making; ethics and sustainability accounting

Application of economic concepts and techniques in management, analysis of economic choices faced by the firm, decision rules for goals achievement, managing resource scarcity, opportunity cost, demand analysis, markets and competition, economic growth, inflation, interest rates, open economy, foreign exchange rates

Holistic picture of marketing practices, strategic marketing models, consumers and competitors analysis tools, marketing implementation under global changing environments

Fundamental concepts in finance; financial statements analysis, application of financial planning and forecasting, familiar with update issues in financial markets and changes both in local and global economic environments, financial planning, time value of money, risk and return, securities valuation, comprehending corporate valuation, strategic investment decisions, strategic and tactical financing decisions

New HR delivery model, designing the future workplace; trends and innovations in human resource, emotional intelligence; diversity and inclusion, motivation and employee engagement, group behaviors and team dynamics, transformative leadership, power and politics in organizational life, organization structure, culture and strategy, change and sustainability

Technology and operations management; global supply chain management; products, services, and process management, lean operations, forecasting and demand planning, inventory management, project management, quality management, sustainability

Research paradigms, steps in research process, choosing research topics and formulating questions, research planning and design, literature review, academic report writing, ethics in research and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Unit of analysis and sampling techniques, quantitative and qualitative research methods, survey research, in-depth interview technique, experimental research design, research based on secondary data

Introduction to business plan; developing and evaluating business ideas; business environment analysis; research based on secondary data, academic report writing, ethics in research and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Primary research, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, strategic planning, tactical planning


第 3 学期 – 第 4 学期:选修课

该课程第二阶段,学生需在两大专业方向中选择一个,同时亲身参与行业实践项目,应对当今和未来的商业难题,通过量身定制的学习体验挑战自我。此期间,学生需要整合调动所学的知识技能,努力解决现实世界问题、开展实践项目、积累商业经验。专业学习领域的学生需要在选定专业至少修满 9 个学分(3 门课程)。



Assessment of the global environment (political, economic, social, legal, technological); ethics in global management and global consensus versus regional variation of corporate social responsibility, understanding the role of culture dimensions and cultural differences on management practices, communication across cultures, cross-cultural negotiation and decision making

Internationalisation, globalisation of production and market, trade barriers, supply chain management, global value chains, managing networks

Strategic planning, global macro-environmental analysis, global markets analysis, global competitors’ analysis, competitive advantage development, market research and selection, global marketing strategy, global human resource strategy, strategy implementation



Innovation process, innovation strategy, creative problem solving, design concept, human-centered design thinking, idea generation; concept development, innovative leadership

Technology management, technology strategy, r&d management, patents and intellectual property, disruptive technologies, project escalation, technological disasters

New product development, problem identification, situational and macro-environmental analysis, company analysis, customer insight development, iterative design and prototyping



Current and future trends in the business world, current and future business applications, challenges from businesses in Asia and around the world

Experiences on creativity and innovation, business solutions from creativity and innovation

Product localization, in-house and outsourcing, global supply chain management, multi-global market marketing strategy, market expansion strategy, product and market strategic business unit (sbu) matrix, import duties and tariffs, foreign currency risks

An international travel experience on international business and innovation


第 5 学期–第 6 学期:毕业论文/专题论文

在第 5 和第 6 学期(如果需要修读),学生必须以解决商业问题为主旨进行学术研究并撰写毕业论文/专题论文。

Research related to business; the process of planning, designing, data collection, information retrieval, analysis, synthesis, discussion, conclusion, and presentation; ethics in human research and Institutional Review Board (IRB); thesis development

Directed independent study related to business; the process of planning, designing, data collection, information retrieval, analysis, synthesis, discussion, conclusion, and presentation; ethics in human research and Institutional Review Board (IRB), provide finding of information obtained from articles or other sources, applying the study to solve business problem, find business solution, recommendations, or develop business plan, thematic paper development.