Accreditation / Achievements
August 13, 2021 2024-09-18 12:39Accreditation / Achievements
About MUIC
Accreditation / Achievements
Accreditation / Achievements
Accreditation is quite important to an international college like MUIC. Firstly, getting accredited is a stamp of quality assurance. It is a guarantee that MUIC’s quality of education is at par with its peers globally. Secondly, accredited universities have the opportunity to engage in a dialogue and conduct collaboration with each other that could only result in institutional improvements.
The Tourism and Hospitality Division has been successfully assessed by both the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and the United Nations World Tourism Organization TedQual in 2018.
In 2019, the Business Administration Division received accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
In the same year, Mahidol University International College’s (MUIC) Finance Program was accepted into the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute University Affiliation Program, giving MUIC the distinction of being the 4th institution of higher learning in Thailand to be affiliated with the CFA Institute at the undergraduate degree program level.
The Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics (PC) received the NEAS Quality Endorsement in 2019, becoming the first language center in Thailand to achieve this international recognition.
MUIC also prides itself on the achievements of its students, faculty members, staff, and executives. They serve as proof of the MUIC community’s commitment to academic excellence.
Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities (AALAU)

MUIC is now a member of the Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities (AALAU). The AALAU, established in November 2017, is a network of respectable liberal arts universities in Asia.
All AALAU members share common values, a global vision and a commitment to educating future leaders. Central to these values is the importance of liberal arts education in this era driven by innovation. Liberal arts education emphasizes the breadth of knowledge, critical thinking and creativity, an ability to deal with novel problems and a love of learning. We believe that this type of education is conducive to the training of future leaders for a rapidly changing world.
Members of the Alliance, which include major liberal arts universities in Asia, deal with rapid changes of the education landscape by identifying future challenges, sharing best practices, and collaborating among themselves and beyond.
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute University Affiliation Program

Mahidol University International College’s (MUIC) Finance Program was accepted into the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute University Affiliation Program in June 2019, giving MUIC the distinction of being the 4th institution of higher learning to be affiliated with the CFA Institute at the undergraduate degree program level In Thailand.
Being accepted into the University Affiliation program means that MUIC has a robust and high quality curriculum in Finance and that it satisfies the CFA professional standards, rendering MUIC’s Finance graduates more desirable by employers in the field.
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

The AACSB Accreditation Standards are used as the basis to evaluate a business school’s mission, operations, faculty qualifications and contributions, programs, and other critical areas. AACSB accreditation assures students and parents that the business school is providing a top-quality education. It also assures employers that AACSB-accredited business school graduates are ready to perform from day one. Less than 8 % of the business schools around world are AACSB accredited.
Since 2012, MUIC’s BBA programs have followed the AACSB action plan by revising the Business Administration Division’s Vision and Mission and executing plans to achieve them by focusing on strategic management and innovation, the sufficiency and deployment of faculty and professional staff, effective teaching and learning, and academic and professional engagement. Through the dedicated efforts of the Business Administration Division and unwavering support from the MUIC leadership, the much-sought after AACSB accreditation was finally achieved in 2019.
The National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS)

NEAS is a globally recognised body that provides quality assurance services to English language teaching and vocational providers in Australia and internationally. The NEAS Quality Assurance Framework establishes and upholds high standards, supports centres in demonstrating quality in their programs and services, and provides guidance in continuous improvement processes. The NEAS tick promotes the recognition of quality in education and training. NEAS endorses English language centres in universities, colleges and high schools. Endorsed centres are granted the NEAS quality mark, internationally recognized and valued by students, teachers, agents and governments.
The Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics (PC) successfully obtained NEAS Quality Endorsement on March 25, 2019. PC is the first language center in Thailand to achieve NEAS Quality Endorsement.
ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

The AUN-QA has developed through the years to provide a firm foundation for ASEAN member universities to understand each other’s systems. It preserves the uniqueness of each institution while promoting cost and expertise sharing among members. It has also been a forum where experienced university members can help newer partners. The network is now ready to expand its cooperation to share with and learn from its peers since quality assurance is a continuous attempt best accomplished by collective efforts, comparative approaches, and peer-to-peer collaboration.
The THM Program was accredited by the AUN-QA in 2018 while the BBA Program was accredited in 2013.
Thailand Trust Mark

The Thailand Trust Mark logo displayed on the MUIC website’s home page is yet another tribute to the college, validating its commitment to internationalism and academic excellence.
The Thai Ministry of Commerce recently launched the Thailand Trust Mark to promote the high quality of Thai goods and services not only in the domestic market but also in the international arena. Apart from a product category that includes the food, lifestyle, fashion and other industries, the service category covers medical, health and international education services.
According to the Ministry, this logo “opens up greater marketing opportunities for the manufacturer/service providers as well as builds trust among consumers because every single product/service bearing this mark needs to pass reliable production standards and international standards of quality.”
TedQual Certification by UNWTO

This is a voluntary certification that seeks to facilitate the continual improvement of tourism education, training and research programs through the promotion of quality standards. To this end, the system takes into consideration the coherence of study plans; infrastructure and pedagogical support; policies, tools and support mechanisms for administrative management; the existence of transparent mechanisms for the selection of the faculty and favorable conditions for their professional development; and the relevance of the content of the program of studies with respect to the needs of the tourism sector.
MUIC’s THM program has the distinction to be the first undergraduate international program in Thailand to receive TedQual certification by the UNWTO.
Green Office Award 2016

Mahidol University International College (MUIC) was awarded the gold medal for the Green Office Award 2016. The Green Office Award was organized by the Department of Environment Quality Promotion (DEQP) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The purpose of the project is to express loyalty to His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and promote His Majesty’s royal duty in the field of natural resources and environmental preservation. The Green Office Award seeks to create awareness of environmental problems among office workers and encouraged them to make their own small contribution to positive changes in the environmental protection through their work habits.
Thailand Energy Awards 2016

Mahidol University International College (MUIC) won the Thailand Energy Awards in the Energy Conservation in Building Control category in 2016.
The contest was sponsored by the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Energy Efficiency (DEDE) of the Ministry of Energy. MUIC undertook several projects that promote energy efficiency in the workplace in order to reduce unnecessary energy consumption and at the same time create awareness among faculty members and staff.