About MUIC

Strategic Planning and Quality Development

Strategic Planning

  • Conduct strategic planning process and assist the development of long-term goals and strategic objectives for MUIC;
  • Oversee and coordinate Performance Agreement between Mahidol University and MUIC;
  • Suggest changes to current strategic plans, procedures, and policies based on current trends and an analysis of the potential benefits and risks of implementing new strategies;
  • Promote and communicate MUIC strategic plans to the stakeholders, students, staff and faculty members;
  • Motivate every member of MUIC to be involved in the preparation of action plans and performance agreements, and shift from plans to execution;
  • Monitor and evaluate every section’s performance regarding strategic plans and performance agreements; and
  • Play a central role in managing and monitoring MUIC Strategic Project Management Process to analyze and evaluate its effectiveness and progress.

Quality Development

  • Drive every part of MUIC to use the EdPEx standards in implementing approaches;
  • Conduct and develop EdPEx Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of MUIC, including the preparation to obtain an EdPEx assessment annually;
  • Encourage MUIC staff members to carry out risk assessment of each department and follow risk management protocols; and
  • Monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization’s risk management process which helps minimize threats and reduce the risks to an acceptable level.