Grading System

For Undergraduate Students

Grading System

Grading System


GradeAchievementFinal score (% range)GPA
B+Very Good85-893.5
C+Fairly Good75-792.5
DVery Poor60-641.0
FFailLess than 600.0

Other letter grades, without credit points, are assigned for course work taken as follows:

I Incomplete (awaiting evaluation)
Transfer of Credit
No report from the instructor
P In progress (the study is incomplete)
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
AU Audit (study which leads to no credit)
W Withdrawal

An F will be given in the following situations:

1. Students who fail a major examination or project.
2. Students who are absent on the exam date without permission from the Faculty Committee.
3. Students who are not allowed to take the examination because they fail to attend 80 percent of the total class time (including lectures, internships and field trips).
4. Students who violate the rules regarding examinations, for example, are late for the exam, dress inappropriately according to student uniform regulations or engage in cheating.
5. Students who receive an “I” grade and fail to take the exam or complete a project in the next trimester (except those students who have permission to take a leave of absence).
6. Students who receive a “P” but do not take the exam and/or do not hand in a report on time

An S or U will be given in non-credit or credit courses in which the instructor decides to have a non-score grading system.
An AU will be given for those courses in which students receive no credit; moreover, students must attend at least 80 percent of the classes.
An I will be given in the following situations:

1. Students who do not take the exam or do not hand in their reports on time due to health problems but do submit a medical certificate. However, any final decision will be made by the Faculty Committee.
2. Students who are not allowed to take the exam because they attend less than 80% of the classes due to health problems and submit a medical certificate. However, any final decision will be made by the Faculty Committee.
3. Students who are unable to take the exam or hand in a report due to circumstances beyond their control. However, the final decision will be made by the Faculty Committee.

A P will be given only when the teaching process of a course has not been completed or the course needs more than one trimester to complete its requirements.
T will be given for transferred courses from other educational institutes.
W will be given in the following situations:

1. Students who are allowed to withdraw from courses after the add/drop period; they will not receive a refund.
2. Students who are allowed to take a leave of absence.
3. Students who are suspended.

An X will be given if the student’s grade has not been submitted by the designated deadline

Registrar Unit, Office of Academic Affairs