About The Event
General Information
Course Withdrawal
Students are advised to discuss with the class instructor before requesting to withdraw from a course during the withdrawal period in week 10 of each trimester. The withdrawal period for each trimester is published in the Academic Calendar which can be downloaded from the MUIC website.
Withdrawal Reminder
- Withdrawal can only be requested through the SKY+ Application.
- Withdrawal from any of your English track classes, i.e., English Resources Skills (ERS) and Intermediate English Communication (EC level 1-3) or Academic Writing and Research (GC level 1-3) are not allowed.
- Withdrawal requires the permission of the class lecturer.
- During regular trimesters, the remaining credits after withdrawal must be minimum 12 credits (non-credit class is included).
- Students will not receive a refund of tuition fees, and a W grade will be recorded on the student transcript.
- The W grade will not be used in calculating grade point average (GPA), but W grades will also count for dismissal decision.
- Students having W grades will not be eligible for Honors degree.
- Students are not allowed to withdraw from any classes during the summer session.