UKPSF & MUPSF Senior Fellows from MUIC
January 14, 2023 2023-01-16 2:57UKPSF & MUPSF Senior Fellows from MUIC
In a ceremony held on January 13, 2023 at Prince Mahidol Hall in Mahidol University’s (MU) Salaya campus, Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., MU President, awarded the United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) Senior Fellow certificates to Prof. Chulathida Chomchai M.D., MUIC Dean, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Alexander Nanni, Associate Dean for International Affairs.
In the same event, the Mahidol University Professional Standards Framework (MUPSF) Senior Fellow certificates were also handed to Dr. Matthew Robert Ferguson, Humanities and Language Division (HLD) faculty member, and
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ornlatcha Sivarak, Business Administration Division faculty member. Not present during the ceremony but are also MUPSF Senior Fellow recipients were Dr. Laddawan Jianvittayakit, Interim Associate Dean for Environment and Sustainable Development; Dr. Brian J. Phillips, Science Division Chair; and Assoc. Prof. Takayoshi Fujiwara, HLD faculty member.