MUIC Holds Job Fair
March 21, 2025 2025-03-21 6:32MUIC Holds Job Fair
The Alumni Affairs and Career Development Group of the Office of Student Affairs, Mahidol University International College (MUIC) held “MUIC Job Fair 2025” on March 12-13, 2025 at the Exhibition Hall, 2nd Floor, Aditayathorn Building.
There were 59 Thai and international companies and organizations which sent their representatives to join the event such as ASEAN University Network, Bank of Thailand, Deloitte SEA, KPMG Thailand, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Minor Corporation Public Co. Ltd., US Embassy and others.
The event attracted about 700 participants including students from MUIC and Mahidol University and even those from outside the university who wanted to explore career opportunities and ask for advice from the various companies’ representatives.