MUIC’s MUN Club Wins 3 Awards
January 15, 2023 2023-02-06 10:11MUIC’s MUN Club Wins 3 Awards
The Model United Nations Club (MUN) of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) won three awards during the Thammasat University Model United Nations 2023 (TUMUN2023) held on January 13-15, 2023.
Ms. Narapath Vittaya-Am-Nuaykoon won the Best Position Paper (Legal Committee) while Ms. Koshakorn Pakdeesatitvara was awarded the Best Position Paper (UN Women). Ms. Koshakorn also received an Honorable Mention (UN Women). The two of them are 3rd Year students majoring in the International Relations and Global Affairs program.
MUIC MUN sent five delegates and two club staff members to attend the event which had the theme “Revising the World Order.” On the first day, the opening ceremony was hosted at the United Nations Conference Center of the UNESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, featuring speeches from the distinguished guests and seminars. On the second and third days, the MUN committee sessions convened at the S31 Sukhumvit Hotel.
Ms. Narapath Vittaya-Am-Nuaykoon and Mr. Kanishk Purohit were assigned to the United Nations Sixth Committee (Legal Committee) to discuss the topic of “Establishing Protocols for International Crime; Revisiting Criminal Jurisdiction of the Rome Statute;” as delegates of China and the Netherlands, respectively. In addition, Ms. Pakkawan Wanneevetchasilp also observed the dynamics of the committee as an observer from “The Wall Street Journal.”
Ms. Koshakorn Pakdeesatitvara was assigned to UN Women to discuss the topic of “The Politicization of Women’s Bodily Autonomy,” as a delegate of Turkmenistan. Ms. Poonjarasmi Thuanthong was assigned to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to discuss the topic of “Unemployment in the Age of the New Normal,” as a delegate of Sri Lanka.
Apart from that, Ms. Pinda Viriyapongsri, MUN Club President, and Mr. Faris Waesahmae, MUN Club Secretary and Head of Academic Team, attended the conference and participated as cochairs of UNCTAD and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), respectively.