Music Club Presents “Battle of the Bands 2024: Palette War”
March 7, 2024 2024-04-25 10:18Music Club Presents “Battle of the Bands 2024: Palette War”
With an attendance of 200 people, the Music Club of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) held the final round of its “MUIC Battle of the Bands 2024: Palette War” on March 7, 2024 at the Screening Room, Aditayathorn Building.
And after the last note was struck and the judges huddled to come up with their collective decision, Auskeedoes Kuska band was declared the winner, taking home the 5,000 Baht cash prize and the opportunity to perform in a forthcoming concert to be organized by the Student Association. The band also received an additional 1,000 Baht cash prize for being voted as the “Most Popular Band.”
The 1st Runner-up was Velouté band, which received a 3,000 Baht cash prize.
The 2nd Runner-up was nearbychair band, which received a 2,000 Baht cash prize.
Meanwhile, the Tempolessissue band received five extension cords from sponsor UNIC for being a finalist.
The board of judges for the final round was composed of the following::
1. Aj. Chairat Pornamnuay
Lecturer, College of Music, Mahidol University
Majoring in Classical Guitar and Small Ensemble
2. Aj. Sornsek Srivipanon
Lecturer, Silpakorn University
Majoring in Jazz, Saxophone Jazz, and Jazz Ensemble
Music Director and Back-up for Soul After Six
Alumni, College of Music, Mahidol University, Jazz Major
Rapper and Artist from YUPP! Entertainment
Awardee, Best Record of the Year, TPOP 2021
From January 22 to February 3, 2024, the Music Club held an online audition with the following comprising the board of judges:
1. Aj. Chairat Pornamnuay
Lecturer, College of Music, Mahidol University
Majoring in Classical Guitar and Small Ensemble
2. Aj. Rodsak Sangkaew
MUIDS Activity Coordinator and Project Manager of MUIDS Battle of the Bands
3. Khun Supavit Luankosol
MUIC Alumni and Bassist of PicNik Band
4. Khun Phasin Ngamthanaphaisarn
Coach, MUIDS Battle of the Bands
Out of 10 bands that had sent their audition videos, four were selected to be the finalists, namely, Auskeedoes Kuska, Velouté, nearbychair, and Tempolessissue.
With sponsorship from NA Studio, the finalists were given free use of the studio’s practice room for a total of 15 hours each to prepare for their performance in the final round. Moreover, there was also the sponsorship from UNIC for 6 extension cords to be used in the Music Club’s practicing room and 5 extension cords as a participatory reward.
Auskeedoes Kuska Band:
Jednipat Suanse
Nisha Morrison
Juthamas Tienphothong
Phuriwat Flores
Techin Maytanitikun
Velouté Band:
Parit Vacharaskunee
Pipu Vacharaskunee
Tarid Netcharatsaeng
Pongsakorn Sukklay
Nataly Ljungars
nearbychair band:
Tanagone Songvatanakamchon
Frank Piyawat Davies
Dhawalhathai Klumklai
Phakkhapon Kaewmanee
Phongphat Fufuengsombat
Auskeedoes Kuska Band:
Jednipat Suanse
Nisha Morrison
Juthamas Tienphothong
Phuriwat Flores
Techin Maytanitikun
Tempolessissue Band:
Napat Tantatsavad
Don S. Chen
Sirawich Chayutkul
Paradorn Temsangchutti
Worathon Thanyakornworakul