English Program (EP)

PC Programs (EP and MP)

English Program (EP)

The PC English Program (EP) offers . . .

  • conditional acceptance to MUIC upon passing the program.
  • 21st Century skills development for academic success and career advancement.
  • experienced, English-speaking instructors from around the world.
  • development of English language skills for success at MUIC and on English proficiency tests.

EP helps students build a solid foundation of grammar and vocabulary as well as increase their ability to communicate and think logically for academic purposes. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills are integrated in each level through various tasks and projects that focus on important issues. Some EP students also study mathematics to prepare them for courses at MUIC.

How can I apply to PC?

Thai/Foreign residents in Thailand are eligible to study at the Preparation Center (PC) only after taking the MUIC Entrance Examination and when the entrance results show that their English skills do not meet minimum requirements for entrance to MUIC but show potential for future studies at MUIC. These applicants will be eligible to sit for a PC interview and study in the PC program before gaining entrance to MUIC.

EP Curriculum

The curriculum of the English Program at PC is student centered. It outlines clear learning objectives and gives teachers the freedom to use methodologies and strategies which are appropriate for their students. A strong feature of a student-centered curriculum is the importance placed on the process of discovery, integration, and application.

There are four main levels offered in EP, and students enter at the level which is most appropriate for their English language ability. Each level runs for one quarter lasting 10 weeks.

In levels 1 and 2 of EP (Elementary and Pre-intermediate), students take classes in Writing, Reading, and Listening & Speaking. In levels 3 and 4 of EP (Intermediate and Upper-intermediate), students take classes in Integrated Skills, Writing Enrichment, and Academic Reading for Research Skills. In addition, Elementary Mathematics is taught to some students in EP levels 2, 3, and 4.


By the end of their PC experience, EP students should be able to accomplish the following:
  • Comprehend a typical university lecture and reading.
  • Recognize and correct common grammar and pronunciation errors which can impede communication.
  • Use words encountered most frequently at the university level.
  • Understand the structure of an essay and appropriately use various types of supporting information.
  • Express their opinions in English during group and class discussions about ethical issues.
  • Evaluate their learning strategies in order to develop effective goals for their future studies.
  • Show maturity and responsibility in their outlook and conduct in a multicultural environment.
  • Demonstrate an interest in local and international issues.

PC Passing Criteria

Students must achieve an overall grade of S (Satisfactory, ≥65%) to pass each PC level. In addition, students must pass every objective. Students who do not meet these criteria are required to repeat the level.

Jumping (Outstanding) Students

Students that achieve very good grades may be given the option of jumping a level. However, only professional and mature students will be considered – i.e. those students that have attended all classes, participated well in class activities, and shown their teachers that they are motivated and can work hard enough to make this jump. Long-term, it will not help students to jump a level and then fail due to not being ready.

Please note that this option is only available to students in EP levels 1-2.

Students must achieve an overall grade of S (Satisfactory, ≥65%) to pass PC3. In addition, students must pass all six core requirements (i.e. the term paper, the referenced essay, the discussion, and the average of all other assessments).

Final grades are calculated according to the assessment items and weighting table given in the Level Syllabus. Students are given a final grade for each objective, and an overall grade for the whole of the level.

Students must achieve an overall grade of S (Satisfactory, ≥65%) to pass PC4. Final grades are calculated according to the assessment items table given in the PC4 Syllabus. Students are given a final grade for each objective, and an overall grade for the whole of the level.

Passing Criteria for EP Level 4 & Matriculation to MUIC

In order to pass PC4, students must meet the following criteria: 

• Pass all PC4 objectives (Core requirements) 

• Demonstrate appropriate behavior throughout PC4. 

• Pass the Elementary Mathematics course or equivalent exam (for non-Math exempt students). 

Students who meet the above criteria are eligible to enter MUIC. Final exams are held in week 10. In order to take final exams, all PC students must have attended at least 80% and meet the requirements of each level specified in PC course syllabi.

Course Descriptions

English courses at PC differ slightly, depending on the level. In addition, students in EP levels 2, 3, and 4 may be required to study math courses.
EP Levels 1-2

The main goal of these courses is for students to develop the listening and speaking skills that will be required of them in an international degree program. In levels 1 and 2, students learn through interacting with theme-based recorded material that is divided into social, broadcast, and academic English tasks. They take part in an assessed speaking activity at the end of each quarter and are exposed to a wide variety of topics in a wide range of accents. The students’ progress is determined through continuous assessment and final examinations.

These courses are designed to improve students’ academic writing skills on a pre-intermediate level. Students learn how to write through the “process approach”. This means they write their paragraphs and essays in multiple drafts, which they edit and improve after submitting their work to their peers and teachers for editing. Grammatical accuracy is a particularly important objective at  the lower levels.

The objective of these courses is to develop the students’ ability to understand the main ideas and supporting information in level-appropriate reading texts. To facilitate this process, students are given a wide range of practice, which aims to improve comprehension by encouraging students to summarize and critically reflect on outline notes they have taken. Furthermore, because students will not be able to cope with university-level readings unless they have an appropriate level of vocabulary, all students are required to demonstrate knowledge of the Academic Word List (AWL) sublists 1-4 by the end of level 2.

EP Levels 3-4

When students enter MUIC, they are expected to be able to understand and discuss what they have heard in lectures and read in books, newspapers and other sources. Furthermore, they are expected to be able to write and speak coherently and logically. Accordingly, the purpose of the Integrated Skills courses is to help students make connections between the receptive skills of reading and listening and the productive skills of writing and speaking. In these courses, students take notes on lectures and readings, using the Cornell University method of note-taking; then they use these notes to demonstrate their understanding of what they have heard and read. Students are also expected to show a competent use of basic logic, APA referencing and plagiarism avoidance strategies. The courses are thematically organized and are strongly integrated with the Writing Enrichment courses.

Well-regarded universities require their students to demonstrate understanding of and engagement with source material in the form of essays and term papers. They also expect their students to be able to summarize accurately and use citations and reference lists. Accordingly, in these courses, students are required to write essays based on texts they have read and are expected to produce writings at a high academic standard. Students need to successfully produce timed essays and a term paper in order to graduate from PC.

The ability to read academic texts effectively is vital to success at the university level. Therefore, the Academic Reading courses enhance students’ ability to understand the main ideas and supporting information in level-appropriate academic reading texts. Level 3 and 4 students are given a wide range of practice to improve comprehension and are encouraged to summarize and critically reflect on outline notes they have taken. Furthermore, because students will not be able to cope with university-level academic texts unless they have an appropriate level of vocabulary, all PC students are required to demonstrate knowledge of the Academic Word List (AWL) sublists 1-10 by the end of level 4.

Mathematics courses

There are two mathematics courses offered at PC: Elementary Mathematics and Foundation Mathematics. PC2, PC3 and PC4 students are required to take mathematics classes unless they are exempt.

This course serves as a reintroduction for students with a non-mathematics background and students who need to revive their mathematics skills. It helps students learn about various topics in algebra, such as basic arithmetic operations, simplification of algebraic expressions, factoring algebraic expressions, solving simple linear and quadratic equations, solving simple linear inequalities, analyzing and solving simple word problems, understanding of relations and functions.

PC Academic Calendar

The academic calendar for the Preparation Center (PC) for Languages and Mathematics below shows when the students who are qualified for PC will be able to attend classes and subsequently enter MUIC as college students.

PC Academic Calendar

Accepted to
MUIC Trimester*


Enrolled  Quarter

Quarter 1

January – March

Trimester III
(April – July)

Quarter 2

March – June

Trimester I
(September – December)

Quarter 3

June – August

Trimester I
(September – December)

Quarter 4

September – November

Trimester II
(January – March)

Course duration: There are 10 weeks per level per quarter, with classes conducted Monday–Friday.

*Remark: A student who passes level 4 is eligible to study at MUIC in the subsequent trimester.”

Applicants accepted via the MUIC Entrance Examination or PC Direct Track may rely on the academic calendar for arrangement of their study plan, depending on placement results.

Example: A student has been accepted to level 3 in Quarter 4, 2022 and starts studying in September, 2022. After the student passes level 3 and then level 4 in Quarter 1, 2023, he or she could be enrolled at MUIC in April 2023 (Trimester 3, 2023).


(Thai University Central Admission System)
* For Thai high school graduates

If the MUIC  entrance examination results shows that I get accepted to PC,will my name be submitted to the TCAS (Thai university central admissions system)?
No. Only the students who are accepted to MUIC will have their names submitted to the TCAS. Those with PC student status will not have their names submitted to the TCAS until they complete level 4 and have enrolled at MUIC and paid the MUIC admissions fee.

I have been accepted to PC, but I had my name submitted earlier to another university in the TCAS system. What should I do?
The PC program does not submit the students’ names to the TCAS; all the accepted students can study at PC on condition that they have to cancel their admission status in the TCAS before continuing to Mahidol University International College.until they complete level 4


Studying at PC offers several benefits. Firstly, the four levels of instruction aim to improve students’ English language skills, so they can continue their studies at MUIC. Additionally, students learn study skills, basic concepts of logic and ethics, and independent learning strategies. Math courses are also offered in some levels of the English Program.

There are four levels of English classes at PC. The first two levels focus on four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In the third and fourth levels, the skills are combined. The main focuses of the higher levels are term projects, group discussions, and academic essay writing.

PC students generally spend 3–12 months in the program, depending on the level in which they begin. Each level takes 10 weeks, or approximately 3 months.

Students are required to Students are required to pay a tuition fee of 40,400 THB per quarter. Those who need to take a mathematics course may need to pay an additional 8,000 THB.

Click HERE to see details of PC tuition and other fees

PC provides a wide range of welfare and support for students, such as:
  • Accident insurance with the coverage of 200,000 THB and 10,000 THB for medical treatment at certified hospitals
  • Student visa documentation
  • Certification letters
  • Medical & first aid services
  • Counseling services
  • Student activities
  • Dormitory information

Contact the PC Office

Office Hours: 8:00 AM–5:00 PM, Monday–Friday