PC Scholarships for Children of MU Employees

PC Programs (EP/ MP)

PC Scholarships for Children of MU Employees

Submit the following documents to the PC office:

  1. A copy of your Thai ID

  2. A copy of your MU staff or faculty ID card

  3. An employment certification letter

  4. A screenshot of your child’s PC interview result announcement

  5. A copy of birth certificate of the child, a copy of house registration, or other proof of legal guardianship

  6. Fill out the the scholarship requisition form (Click)

*Submit the document before the registration period of the first quarter of studies.

Eligibility requirements are outlined in the Thai language announcement.

More information about PC scholarships for both MU and MUIC employees' children, please contact the PC office at

call 02-700-5000 ext. 3902-3905 or
Line: @pcmuicofficial