Military Service

Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC)

All male students of Thai nationality are required to register with the Thai military when they reach the age of 20. A citizen can register for training at an earlier age; training courses taken in high school or at university may count toward meeting national military requirements.

MUIC students who need to apply for the Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC) must report to the MUIC Office of Student Affairs by the first week of their entry. Students who have not reported to the Office of Student Affairs within the mentioned period will no longer have the right to join the Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC). 

The training activities will be held on Saturday or Sunday, from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Students must participate in the activities 10 times.


Postponement of Military Recruitment

Students who request postponement of their Military Recruitment must submit the appropriate legal documents to the Office of Student Affairs from July 1 to October 31 of every year.

It is the responsibility of the students to notify lecturers in a timely fashion about military obligations. Failure to do so may affect a student’s academic standing.

Student Affairs Office

Office Hours: 8:00 AM–5:00 PM, Monday–Friday