Code of Student Conduct

Students Activities

Code of Student Conduct

Code of Student Conduct

The MUIC Code of Student Conduct contains MUIC’s policy regarding the discipline of its students. It is meant to protect and preserve the educational environment on campus. The college reserves the right to take any necessary action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community.
Violation of Laws and of the Code

Students may be accountable to both civil authorities and to the college for any illegal activity, such as assault, theft, possession of illegal substances, disorderly conduct and so forth. The college will refer matters to the proper civil authorities.

Prohibited Conduct
Students must regularly and strictly observe the regulations of the Code of Conduct. Any non-ethical conduct which is considered a disciplinary offense is subject to the actions stipulated in these regulations.
  1. Students must maintain the unity, peace, reputation and honor of the University; they must not cause disorder, engage in the physical assault, or destroy the property of the University or that of others.
  2. Students must behave in a polite manner and must not behave in any way causing disgrace and damage to themselves, other persons, or the University.
  3. Students must obey instructors and duty officers of the University.
  4. Students must wear the student uniform or appropriate clothes in modest attire in accordance with the regulations and announcements of the University or its working units.
In classrooms or examination rooms, or in contact with working units on the University campus, students must wear or present the student ID card in order for the University instructors or officers to check it at all times.
  1. Students must not drink alcohol or intoxicants on the University campus or while they are wearing student uniform.
  2. Students must not smoke in the non-smoking area of the University.
  3. Students who engage in the following behavior will be subject to serious disciplinary action:
    • Gambling or engaging in any act relating to or promoting all kinds of gambling
    • Any act concerning a narcotics drug offense with criminal penalties
    • Any act concerning a property offense with criminal penalties, which is an outrageous act
    • Any act purposely destroying the University property causing damage to the University
    • Possessing or carrying firearms or other dangerous materials on campus which may cause danger to the lives and property of other persons
    • Committing an obscene act, or a sexual offense, or immoral conduct causing serious disgrace to the University
    • Physical assault on others that results in serious injury or death, or causes serious disgrace to the University
    • Being ultimately sentenced to imprisonment except for a punishment for an offense committed by negligence or a petty offense
    • Cheating on an examination or evaluation of the University’s academic performance or plagiarism of a thesis or an independent study
    • Producing, publicizing or possessing media, drawings, printed or written materials, electronic media or any other acts that may cause serious damage to the University
    • Forging the signatures of others; forging documents or amending any content in actual documents; or using such documents as evidence required by the University, all of which may cause serious damage to the University
    • Committing any act causing dishonor to the University’s student status and resulting in serious disgrace to the University
  4. Any student who violates these regulations shall be subject to disciplinary action.
    • In the case of minor disciplinary infractions
      • Warning
      • On parole
    • In the case of serious disciplinary infractions
      • Disqualification from examinations for all courses or some courses
      • Academic suspension for not more than one academic year
      • Suspending or delaying the approval of graduation for not more than one academic year
      • Dismissal
**Read for more details

Student Affairs Office

Office Hours: 8:00 AM–5:00 PM, Monday–Friday