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Sweet Nothings and Romantic Lines in AGC Club’s Pancake Workshop


Sweet Nothings and Romantic Lines in AGC Club’s Pancake Workshop

February is the month that is held dear by most, if not all, MUIC students. Everywhere and anywhere lies a subtle aura of sweet dates and expressions of romance amongst couples, preparing for that fateful day when they can share a special time with their significant other.

With Valentines’ Day just around the corner, the Animations, Games, and Comics Club (AGC) Club of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) decided to use this day for something sweet that couples can do together. Surprisingly, in a literal sense.

On Valentines’ Day, the AGC Club held a “Pancake Workshop” at the Ground Floor, Aditayathorn Building where both singles and couples were asked to draw their own unique patterns on the blank pancake templates that have been provided. There was a variety of colors to choose from as the palette for those pancake drawings. And at the end, those pancakes were layered with various choices of toppings as well, making the process fun, sweet and delicious.

In the end, an expected large number of students-slash-pancake chefs—72 of them!—with bright minds and astonishing creativity answered AGC Club’s call. After the activity, they gave some good feedback and thus it ended in an exciting, chaotic, yet clean manner.