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THM Masters Student Finalist in Tourism Contest in Switzerland

1000-THM Masters Student Finalist

THM Masters Student Finalist in Tourism Contest in Switzerland

Ms. Chandy “Dym” Loeurng, a student in the Master of Management in International Tourism and Hospitality Management program of Mahidol University International College, was selected to be among the 12 finalists in the Young Talent Program of World Tourism Lucerne 2021 in Switzerland.

The 12 finalists were selected from more than 100 applicants from 26 countries. Ms. Chandy is under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Walanchalee Wattanacharoensil of the THM Division.

Although Ms. Chandy could not make it to the final list of winners, the THM Division said it is proud of her achievement of making it as a finalist. “Chandy has enjoyed her experience a great deal.”

The THM Division likewise sent its congratulations to the category winners of the Young Talent Program: Wakayama University, Japan (Talent Category); University of Queensland, Australia (Innovation Category); University of Johannesburg, South Africa (Diversity Category); and Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), Switzerland (Sustainable Development Category).