PC Direct Track

PC Admission

PC Direct Track

PC Direct Track Application Period

Application Periods

PC Quarter

Study periods at PC

September 1 – October 14, 2024

Quarter 1/2025

January 6 – March 14, 2025

December 1, 2024 – January 25, 2025

Quarter 2/2025

March 31 – June 6, 2025

March 1 – May 10, 2025

Quarter 3/2025

PC4 & MP: June 16 – August 22, 2025

PC1-PC3: June 23 – August 29, 2025

June 1 – July 25, 2025

Quarter 4/2025

September 15 – November 21, 2025

* It is advised that international applicants apply by the first 10 days of the application period due to the student visa application for the next steps.

**  Applicants using overseas high school results are advised to apply at least 2 weeks before the deadline as reviewing and considering overseas documents requires more time.

PC/MP Academic Calendar

Application for MUIC Entrance Exam & Periods of PC Quarter
The Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics (PC) academic calendar is based on a quarter system – Quarter 1 (January-March), Quarter 2 (April-June), Quarter 3 (June-August), and Quarter 4 (September-November) – each running for 10 weeks; classes are held on Monday – Friday.

Applying through MUIC Entrance Examination

Studying in PC Quarter

Duration of Study for Eligible PC Applicants

3 rd Entry October

Quarter 1/2025

January 6 – March 14, 2025

4th Entry January

Quarter 2/2025

March 31 – June 6, 2025

1st Entry April – May

Quarter 3/2025

PC4 & MP: June 16 – August 22, 2025

PC1-PC3: June 23 – August 29, 2025

2nd Entry June – July

Quarter 4/2025

September 15 – November 21, 2025

PC Direct Track: Placement Test Information



Writing Test (Compulsory)

A writing test is mandatory for PC Direct Track applicants. All applicants are required to complete an essay to be assessed for their academic writing skills. Dictionaries or any electronic devices cannot be used in the test.

Interview (Compulsory)

An interview is mandatory for PC Direct Track applicants. All applicants are required to attend the interview to be assessed for their verbal-communication skills.

Math test (if required by major)

Any applicants who apply for a major that requires Math and have not submitted a math score  result have to take the Math test. Math scores, results, and chosen major will determine whether a math class is required.

* The PC placement test is held online.

** All applicants need to take and complete an essay as well as an interview.

*** The placement test schedule will be sent to applicants via email after the application is confirmed.

Admission Requirements

  • Thai High School 
    (Mattayom 6 / Vocational / Non-Formal Education)
  • International School in Thailand
    (US Grade 12 / AS/A-Level / IB Diploma/IB Course Result / BTEC / French Baccalaureate)
  • General Educational Development (GED)
    (GED must pass total score of at least 600 with at least 145 score for each subject and the most recent educational record with supporting documents)
  • Overseas
2. Original official and electronic score of TOEFL(iBT) or IELTS (Academic) or PTE (Academic) or Duolingo with at least 2 years’ validity * After ordering an electronic score, please forward a confirmation email from a test center to  icpc@mahidol.ac.th


Overall 32 (minimum)
** Order score via **

www.ets.org   Code C186

IELTS (Academic)

Overall 4.5 (minimum)
** Order electronic Results via **IDP or British Council

PTE (Academic)

Overall 30 (minimum)
** Order score via ** www.pearsonpte.com/

Duolingo (DET)

Overall 55 (minimum)
*** Order score via *** https://englishtest.duolingo.

3. Original official and electronic score of ACT (Math Score) or SAT (Math Score) with at least 2 years’ validity (if any)
* After ordering an electronic score, please forward a confirmation email from a test center to   icpc@mahidol.ac.th 

SAT (Math Score)

500 or above Order score via www.collegeboard.org Code 7208

ACT  (Math Score)

18  or above

Order score via www.act.org Code 7958

4. A photocopy of Thai identification card (for Thai students) or passport with every stamped page (for overseas students)

5. A photocopy of one’s current residency document (address page and applicant’s name page)


  1. Students in the PC Direct Track must meet the MUIC admissions regulations by passing PC level 4 in order to enroll at MUIC.

  2. High school certificates and transcripts will be reviewed by the admissions staff to check their equivalency and completion. An application with incomplete required documents will be rejected.

  3. Applications using overseas highschool results are advised to apply at least 2 weeks before the deadline as reviewing and considering overseas highschool results may take a few weeks. The online entrance test may be offered with conditions.

  4. In one entry, applicants must apply either through the PC Direct Track or MUIC Entrance Exam. Your PC Direct Track application will be ineligible if you apply for both exams in the same entry. 

Steps to Apply

02. Confirmation & Payment

The applicant will receive the email response within 1 week. If your application is confirmed, the payment details will be sent to the applicant’s email. The placement test fee is 1,500 THB which cannot be refunded in any case.

03. Guidelines via Email

After the payment has been confirmed, an exam code as well as details of the placement test preparation will be sent to the applicant via email. All of the information must be read carefully.

04. Exam Date

All of the applicants show up on the exam date via Zoom.

05. Result Announcement

The result will be announced via the applicant’s email.

06. Registration & Tuition Fee

All of the applicants register and make a payment by the specified dates and time.

07. Study at PC

A class schedule will be sent a few days before instruction begins.


Studying at PC offers several benefits. Firstly, the four levels of instruction (PC1 – PC4) offered by PC aim to improve students’ language skills, so they can continue their studies at MUIC. Additionally, PC students learn study skills, basic concepts of logic and ethics, and independent learning strategies. Students at PC also have the opportunity to take math courses.

There are four levels of English classes at PC. The first two levels focus on four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In the third and fourth levels, the skills are combined. The main focuses of the higher levels are term projects, group discussions, and academic essay writing.

PC students generally spend 3-12 months at the PC program, depending on their beginning level. Each PC levels takes 10 weeks, or approximately 3 months.

The tuition fee to study English is 40,400 THB per quarter. Those who need to take a mathematics course pay an additional 8,000 THB.

Non-Thai students applying through the PC Direct Track will also be required to pay an overseas fee of 5,000 THB. Click HERE to see details of PC tuition and other fees.

Once international students are accepted to PC; they will be advised to apply for OR change visa type to a Non-Immigrant (ED) visa to study at PC. For assistance on documentation regarding visa issues, students are welcome to contact the PC office in person or via icpc@mahidol.ac.th

A: International students must buy worldwide health insurance and show evidence of such insurance before entering Thailand. The policy must include severe medical treatments, emergency medical evacuation, and infectious diseases and pandemics (Covid-19, influenza, etc).

PC provides a wide range of welfare and support for students, such as:

Accident insurance with the coverage of 200,000 THB and 10,000 THB for medical treatment at certified hospitals
Student visa documentation
Certification letters
Medical & first aid services
Counseling services
Student activities
Dormitory information

Students who pass all subjects and requirements for PC4 or MP can matriculate to MUIC in the next instruction period. There are no further exams or interviews required. 

Contact PC Office

Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics (PC)