Group Counseling for MUIC Staff
March 17, 2021 2021-03-17 6:07Group Counseling for MUIC Staff
Assoc. Prof. Chulathida Chomchai, M.D., Dean of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) attended the event entitled “Group Counseling: วิถีปู่ย่า-ตายาย กับวิถีเรา…เลือกอะไรดี (Traditional or Modern Way to Raise Children?) at Charinyarasami Hall, Aditayathorn Building, on March 17, 2021.
This activity was organized by the MUIC Welfare Unit. The Dean, as a pediatrician, and nine staff members who have children aged 0-36 months, came to share their experience and their opinion on which is better—raising their children on their own or letting senior members in the family like the grandfather or grandmother do the job. Staff members who attended the event learned many valuable lessons on how to raise their children.