Academic Regulations

International Graduate Studies Office (iGS)

Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations

Classroom Policies
  • Students are required to attend at least 80 percent of their classes to be eligible to take the final examination. Three late attendances equal one absence.
  • As a courtesy, students need to let the instructor know beforehand when they have a valid reason to leave class early or come to class late.
  • All electronic devices must be turned off during class time. Permission from the instructor is required to leave devices on in an emergency.
  • Students are not allowed to bring food or drinks into the classrooms.
  • Students are expected to wear appropriate attire that is suitable for a classroom environment.
  • Students have to present their MUIC ID cards each time they take an examination.
  • Students are expected to arrive on time; those arriving 30 minutes late will not be allowed to take the examination. Everyone must sit for the examination for at least 30 minutes.
  • Only students on the official registration list can take an examination.
  • Students need to sit in their assigned seats and sign the examination attendance record.
  • Students are prohibited from using books, notes, study aids, calculators, computers or documents without the prior authorization of the instructor.
  • Students have to turn off their mobile phones.
  • All belongings (including mobile phones) must be kept out of sight and reach.
  • Students are suggested to use the restroom before taking examination.
  • Students are not allowed to talk during the examination. If there are questions, they should be directed to the proctor.
  • Students who fail to take an examination on the scheduled date will automatically receive an F. A student with a medical excuse may receive a grade of “I” (medical documentation is required).
Grading System
Evaluation of a student’s achievement in a course is done at the end of the trimester and recorded using the following letter grade symbols:
90 – 100
85 – 89
Very Good
80 – 84
75 – 79
Fairly Good
70 – 74
65 – 69
60 – 64
Very Poor
≤ 59
Other letter grades, without credit points are assigned for course work as follows:
S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory I Incomplete P In progress W Withdrawal AU Audit (no credit granted) X No report from the instructor
A student must receive a grade of B or higher in any core or required course and a grade of C or higher in the elective courses. In the case that a student receives a grade lower than B in a core or required course, the student must repeat that course with a grade of B and cannot receive a grade higher than B. If a student receives a grade lower than C for an elective course, the student can repeat the course or take a different course, but cannot receive a grade higher than B in either the repeated or different course. An “F” grade is given according to the following conditions:
  • The student is absent from the final examination without the permission of the instructor and Program Director.
  • The student violates the examination regulations.
  • An F grade will be given in place of an “I” grade if the student does not attend the examination and/or does not submit the assignments within the required time.
The “I” grade is assigned to students in the following cases:
  • The student does not attend the final examination or does not complete the assigned work due to illness (verified by a medical report).
  • The student’s attendance must be at least 80%.
  • The student does not attend the final examination because of an emergency or does not complete the course assignments.
  • The instructor and Program Director agree to postpone the student’s evaluation.
To change the “I” grade, students are required to do one of the following:
  • Retake the examination and/or complete the assigned work within one month after the regular examination results are announced.
  • Complete the assigned work and retake the new final examination within the next trimester.
  • Repeat the course as soon as it is offered.
Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty is a serious offense because it diminishes the quality of scholarship and makes accurate evaluation of student progress impossible.

Any of the following actions will be considered cheating:
  • Using or attempting to use books, notes, study aids, calculators, computers, cell phones, pagers or documents in any academic exercise without prior authorization by the teacher.
  • Copying or attempting to copy from another person’s paper, report, laboratory work, computer program or other work material.
  • Unauthorized communication during examinations.
  • Discussing the content of examinations with students who have not yet taken them if the teacher has forbidden such discussion.
  • Sending a substitute to take an examination or to perform one’s laboratory work.
  • Conducting research or preparing work for another student or allowing others to do so without prior authorization by the lecturer.

Fabrication is the inventing or making up of data, research results, information or procedures.
Falsification means altering or falsifying information, as in the following:
  • Changing grade reports or other academic records.
  • Altering the record of experimental procedures, data or their results.
  • Altering the record of or reporting false information about internships, clinical or practicum experiences.
  • Forging someone’s signature or identification on an academic record.
  • Altering a returned examination paper in order to claim that the examination was graded erroneously.
  • Falsely citing a source of information.

Multiple Submissions
Multiple submissions entail the handing in of substantial portions of the same academic work, including oral reports, for credit more than once without prior authorization by the lecture
Plagiarism is the representation of words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in any academic exercise and includes the following:
  • Submitting as one’s own a paper written by another person or by a commercial ghost writing service.
  • Exactly reproducing someone else’s work without identifying the words with quotation marks or by appropriate indentation or without citing the quotation in a footnote or reference.
  • Substantially copying prior work.
  • Paraphrasing or summarizing someone else’s work without acknowledging the source with a footnote or reference.
  • Using facts, data, graphs, charts or other information without acknowledging the source with a footnote or reference.
Note: Borrowed facts or information obtained in one’s research or reading must be acknowledged unless they are recognized as common knowledge.
Disciplinary Procedures for Academic Dishonesty
Charges of academic dishonesty shall be handled by the Registrar who will determine the extent of academic dishonesty and impose any academic punishment on the student, including suspension or expulsion from the academic program of study. The Registrar makes a written recommendation to suspend or expel a student from the college to the MUIC Dean. Within four weeks of receiving such a recommendation, the MUIC Dean, acting on behalf of the Executive Committee, shall issue a written decision. Any form of academic dishonesty will usually lead to one or a combination of the following:
  • A grade of F on the examination paper or on the assignment.
  • A grade of F for the course.
  • A grade of F for the course and a grade of W for all other classes taken.
  • A grade of F for all courses.
  • Dismissal from the program for one trimester or more.
  • Expulsion from the program.
Termination of Student Status

A student’s status will be terminated according to the following conditions and with the expressed approval of the University President:

  1. Provisional or trial students who are unable to advance their status to regular students.
  2. Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.50 for two consecutive trimesters.
  3. Students who do not complete their studies program within the designated time.
  4. Students who do not register and/or do not pay the tuition fees within the specified registration period.
  5. Students do not follow the conditions specified for the study leave of absence.
  6. Students who commit examination fraud.
  7. Students who commit academic fraud on their thesis or thematic papers.

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