SMO’s MC Training Workshop
October 20, 2023 2023-10-30 10:14SMO’s MC Training Workshop
The Student Association of Mahidol University International College (MUIC) held a “Master of Ceremony Training Workshop” on October 20, 2023 at Room 1210, MUIC Building 1, with Ajarn Wimonsiri Hemtanon, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, as the guest speaker.
This workshop allowed participants to hone their public speaking skills, develop quick thinking by coming up with solutions to many scenarios presented, as well as being assessed on how they would perform in a real event.
There were many students who were interested to join, however, due to the time constraints of the workshop session being held amidst the midterm examination period, many participants were unable to attend the workshop.
The Student Association thanked the participating students for their interest and expressed gratitude to Ajarn Wimonsiri who took time from her busy schedule to be the guest speaker in the workshop. The association added that it looks forward to seeing the participants develop and nurture their skills to become full-fledged masters of ceremonies in the future.