Important Notice : Payment Date For Registration Trimester 1/2021-2022
September 8, 2021 2021-09-08 9:34Important Notice : Payment Date For Registration Trimester 1/2021-2022

Important Notice : Payment Date For Registration Trimester 1/2021-2022
For this trimester the payment methods have changed.
1.For students who have an SCB account in Sky system.
Your current registration fee has not been deducted discount 40% from MUIC.
Please wait until September 21,2021 your SKY system will show the net amount after discount 40% to you.
So, you will be able to click pay online after seeing the net amount ONLY!
(PAYMENT DATE September 22 – 24, 2021)
2.For students who do not have an SCB account in Sky system.
Your current registration fee has not been deducted discount 40% from MUIC.
Please wait until September 21,2021 your SKY system will show the net amount after discount 40% to you and show link to a QR code.
So, you will be able to pay via a QR code after seeing a QR code ONLY!
(PAYMENT DATE September 22 – 24, 2021)