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Student Achievements
September 4, 2021 2023-04-20 6:38Student Achievements
Student Achievements
International Relations and Global Affairs students have been chossen to attend prestigous events and take part in international relations related activities. The International Relations and Global Affairs major is proud to host these outstanding students.

Mr. Jiravat Kunkitiyanon,
an IRGA student, was awarded for being the “Best Delegate” in the 3rd Model ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (Model AIPA)

Ms Pin-anong “Pin” Weesapen (bottom right),
IRGA’s student, attended Youth Interface with ASEAN Leaders as a youth delegate of Thailand during the 34th ASEAN Summit.

Mr. Pawinpon "Elf" Theerawong,
a Social Science’s senior, participated as a representative from Thailand in the 17th ASEAN and 7th ASEAN+3 Youth Cultural Forum (AYCF)

Two students from Mahidol University International College (MUIC),
attended the “Temasek Foundation – NUS LEaRN Young Asian Leaders Initiative (TF-NUS LEaRN YALI) 2021,”

Ms. Pinda Viriyapongsri
was one of two Thai university students selected to attend the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, as a Thai youth delegate.