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University Skills Students Learn in PC
December 20, 2022 2022-12-20 3:52University Skills Students Learn in PC
Here at the Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics (PC), our students learn not only from diligently reading books and listening to lectures. We also offer our students a wide variety of project- based activities in each level so that they can put the lessons they have learned into practical use. By doing these projects, they are also developing skills that they will need once they enter Mahidol University International College (MUIC).
- At PC 1, students have a project entitled “My World.”
This lets them create their own Canva posters where they introduce themselves by talking about their families, friends, hobbies, and future goals. The poster designs are creative and interesting. At the end of the term, the students give a presentation outlining the highlights of their project.
- For PC 2 students, their term-long activity is entitled “ASEAN World.”
They create a video news report about an ASEAN country. They choose their own topic, have it approved by their instructor, conduct research, write the script, present it before the class, and finally, create the video news story itself using soundtracks, sound effects, visual effects, animations, video clips, etc., to make the video recording appear professional and entertaining. At the end of the term, all the PC2 students nominated the overall best new report.
- When they reach PC 3,
students conduct a research presentation about human rights or the environment in a country that they had selected. They do their own research and produce a well-organized research presentation that uses APA citations and references. The presentations are terrific preparation for their future academic work at MUIC.
And since researching and writing term papers are part and parcel of university life, it is only apt that PC 4 students come up with a research paper through a step-by-step process like developing concepts and frameworks central to the project topic; engaging in a constructive investigation; cultivating digital literacy (finding, evaluating, using, sharing, and creating digital content); engaging in real-world issues and materials; and collaborating with advisors and peers to produce independent work.
Indeed, these term activities are more than just English lessons. They will prepare PC students for the course requirements they will undertake in MUIC and ensure they get the most out of university studies.