Research Grants

Research Promotion and Management Office

Research Grants

Research Grants

TitleMUIC Investigator(s)Division
Development of nano-encapsulated clove essential oils as antifungal agent for food packaging applicationAsst. Prof. Patnarin Benyathiar, Ph.D.Science
Synthesis of Enol Ether Derivatives via Transition Metal-Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydroalkoxylation Reaction Chaleena Pimpasri, Ph.D.Science
The effect of firm’s emission strategy on investor’s willingness to investAsst. Prof. Thanyawee Pratoomsuwan, Ph.D.Business Administration 
TitleMUIC Investigator(s)Division
Future of work in tourism and hospitality: The voice of Gen ZAsst. Prof. Malinvisa Sakdiyakorn, Ph.D.Business Administration
In the Classroom and On the Street: A Street Photography Teaching and Learning Kit that Promotes Sense of PlaceMatthew Robert Ferguson, Ph.D.Humanities and Language
The use of social media campaigns in generating an awareness and self-responsibilities in medication adherence among patients in ThailandNunnapan Puathanawat, Ph.D.Fine and Applied Arts
TitleMUIC Investigator(s)Division
1. Biophilia: Immersive 360 Garden Experience Animation
2. Plant Kits for Garden-based Learning (PKGBL)
3. Planting Peer Mobile Application
Mr. Laird Allan
Millicent Young, Ph.D.
Kritya Bunchongchit, Ph.D.
Fine and Applied Arts
The Influence of Message Framing and Self-regulatory Focus on Attitudes towards and Intention to Consume Plant-based FoodsSupathida Kulpavaropas, Ph.D.Fine and Applied Arts
The Tobacco Monopoly and the Socioeconomic Development of Thailand, 1939-1990James Warren, Ph.D.Social Science
Undergraduate students’ decision to select courses for their general education requirementsAssoc. Prof. Takayoshi FujiwaraHumanities and Language
Title MUIC Investigator(s) Division
Biophilia 1. Biophilia: Immersive 360 Garden Experience Animation 2. Plant Kits for Garden-based Learning (PKGBL) 3. Planting Peer Mobile Application Mr. Laird Allan Millicent Young, Ph.D. Kritya Bunchongchit, Ph.D. Science Fine and Applied Arts Science
Resilience at Pattaya: Modelling a destination support Asst. Prof. Roberto Gozzoli, Ph.D. Tourism and Hospitality Management
The Influence of Message Framing and Self-regulatory Focus on Attitudes towards and Intention to Consume Plant-based Foods Supathida Kulpavaropas, Ph.D. Fine and Applied Arts
The Tobacco Monopoly and the Socioeconomic Development of Thailand, 1939-1990 James Warren, Ph.D. Social Science
Undergraduate students’ decision to select courses for their general education requirements Assoc. Prof. Takayoshi Fujiwara Humanities and Language
การวิเคราะห์แนวทางการพัฒนาการค้นหาเอกสารจัดเก็บภายในงานการเงินและบัญชี วิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล Ms. Jidapa Josen Finance & Accounting Section
Title MUIC Investigator(s) Division
Positive Psychology Assoc. Prof. Douglas Rhien, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Alexander Nanni, Ph.D. Mr. Ian McDonald Social Science Humanities and Language Social Science
Pulling Back the Curtain: Enhancing Student Success Through Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) at a Thai Liberal Arts College Mr. Joseph Anthony Serrani Preparation Center for Languages and Mathematics
Southeast Asian Frontiers Jesper Doepping, Ph.D. Hardina Ohlendorf, Ph.D. Business Administration Social Science
ศึกษาความเข้าใจของพนักงานชาวต่างชาติเกี่ยวกับขั้นตอนและกฎหมายที่เกี่ยวกับการสอบข้อเท็จจริงในวิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล Ms. Kochapath Amarintrluechai Central Administration Section
Title MUIC Investigator(s) Division
Business Ethics & Sustainability: Intergenerational, Technological, and Intercultural Responsibilities Assoc. Prof. Roman Meinhold, Ph.D. Business Administration
Place and Business Analytics Research Cluster Assoc. Prof. Viriya Taecharungroj, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Walanchalee Wattanacharoensil, Ph.D. Boonyanit Mathayomchan, Ph.D. Business Administration Tourism and Hospitality Management Science
Student perceptions and usage of digital media for study purposes in Germany and Thailand – A country comparison and an assessment of media usage in the context of time Ms. Christin Grothaus Social Science
Student-Customer Orientation in Higher Education, Thailand: Enhancing Communication with Students by Applying Kano Model Xiaoxia Wei, Ph.D. (50%) Chompunuch Pongjit, Ph.D. (50%) Business Administration
Study of Shape of Bandages for Optimal Coverage and Usage Asst. Prof. Chatchawan Panraksa, Ph.D Science
The Golden Age of Bangkok Indie Jonathan Clementi-Smith, Ph.D. Fine and Applied Arts
The value of a classroom: Social learning while social distancing Matthew Robert Ferguson, Ph.D. Humanities and Language
Visualizing Stravinsky: Constructivist Multimedia Experiences Ms. Dynaya Bhutipunthu (50%) Asst. Prof. Dale Alan Konstanz (50%) Fine and Applied Arts
Willingness to disclose personal information for monetary rewards: An empirical study of fitness tracker users in Thailand Asst. Prof. Chanchai Phonthanukitithaworn, Ph.D. Business Administration
เปรียบเทียบการให้บริการยานพาหนะของวิทยาลัยนานาชาติ ภายในมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล Comparison of vehicle services at the International College with in Mahidol University Ms. Suchanant  Tanjaroentham Operation and Environment Section
ผลการจัดการเรียนรู้เชิงรุกที่มีต่อทักษะแห่งศตวรรษที่ 21 ของนักศึกษาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล (The Effects of Active Learning on the 21st Century Skills among MUIC students) Mrs. Duangduean Saengpraew (50%) Mr. Sakol Wikaewmorakot (50%) Academic Strategy Unit